About The Author
Our mission is to encourage and equip the saints of God
Mark Applewhite was “first born” into a “Christian” family, and lived for 31 years blind to spiritual truth, deaf to the gospel, and dead in his sins. Then he was “born again” into the family of God by God’s grace, through God’s gift of faith, and now, at age 67, is a grateful, and joyful Saint of the Most High God.
Mark was first drawn to God at a young age, by God’s giving him an insatiable appetite and unquenchable appreciation for the wonders of nature. He was also grateful for the fact that God provided him with a godly grandmother, mother, and wife who were all instrumental in his being drawn to God over those first 31 years. In October of 1987, Mark was called out of the darkness and into His wonderful light by God through His Word, and by the gospel in a bible study called Community Bible Study. As a young Christian, Mark was discipled by many wonderful and willing saints and grew in Christ quickly.
By God’s leading and providence, Mark served in the military for four years, graduated from Corpus Christi State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Geology and Biology, and then received a Texas teaching certificate. He taught in the public schools for twelve years, became the Headmaster at Annapolis Christian Academy for seven years. He became a teaching director for Community Bible Study, and an elder at Bayshore Bible Church for several years before following God’s lead to move to Colorado to run a Christian owned and operated Bed and breakfast while ministering to his aging parents there.
Mark still has an insatiable appetite for the wonders of nature, but instead of just an appreciation for the creation his appetite is turned to the Creator and His Word. Mark has been a Sunday school teacher, small group leader, and disciple maker in several churches and locations, and now lives in Central Texas. Also by God’s leading, he is a new author and a father to two wonderful children, and two
even more wonderful grandchildren.
Mark’s new adventure as a new author can be described as a compelling calling given to him by God. Mark is convinced that he must write because God has been giving him a story and a testimony, over three decades, that must be written down and shared, for God’s glory, and for the building up and encouraging of the saints.He writes in order to, Lord willing, leave a blessing for his children and grandchildren, and to give witness to, and share, the blessings that he has received from His wonderful Lord and King, Jesus.
15 But when he who had set me apart before I was born, and who called me by his grace, 16 was pleased to reveal his Son to me, in order that I might preach him …
Galatians 1:15-1621…it pleased God through the folly of what we preach to save those who believe.
1 Corinthians 1:219 I will give thanks to you, O Lord,
among the peoples;I will sing praises to you among the nations. Psalms 57:9