Chapter 3-The Suffering King Arrives
Jesus comes down from heaven to be "God with us." In the flesh Jesus is the suffering King who suffers death on a cross in our place, taking away our sins. Before He returns to heaven He perfectly finishes the mission that God sent Him on before the foundation of the world. In doing so He became the conquering King. He conquers (overcomes) the world. He goes from being called the Lamb who was slain to being called the Lion of Judah. He came the first time to save His Kingdom citizens from the world (Egypt). He comes the second time to judge the world, make all things new, and usher in the New Heaven and New Earth, that we usually call Heaven.
3.1 God With Us- In the fullness of time Jesus comes down to earth to be born of a virgin by the Holy Spirit, live a perfectly obendient life as a man, lay that life down as an acceptable sacrifice on the cross, rise out of the grave in a new resurrection body, and to return to heaven to sit at the right hand of his Father. In doing this Jesus fulfills all the prophesies of the Messiah, and fulfills the ancient promise to crush the enemy and ransom God's elect.
3.2 Overcoming the World- Jesus acts as a conquering King by overcoming the world and bringing peace and forgiveness of sins to people of all tribes and nations. (more coming soon... if the LORD tarries)